
Apply for Sneaker Gifts

Honoring Victoria Marie Hoppe


How to Apply for Sneaker Gifts

Organizations interested in receiving these motivational sneaker gifts for the recipients of their services may apply by clicking on the “Apply for Gifts” icon in the “Services” section of our website and completing the gift request application form. Once submitted, the Foundation will review your request and advise you of your eligibility and additional details.

sneaker for gift

Slick’s Kicks Charitable Foundation, Inc.™ will gift trendy new sneakers to eligible 501 (c)(3) nonprofit human services organizations for distribution to recipients of their services. Each sneaker box will be
gift-wrapped and decorated with the Foundation logo and an inspirational message tag. Will be gifted, to including gift-wrapped box and inspirational gift tag, to each current recipient of that organization’s services. Because Slick’s Kicks Charitable Foundation, Inc.™ respects and protects the privacy of the individual recipients of services provided by these organizations, we ask that the organization provide the Foundation only with a list of sneaker sizes requested. The Foundation will deliver the sneaker gifts to the organization for distribution.

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